I figure it's about time I start updating this blog, hopefully once a week for the next two years while I'm at AC (in my head I'm already compromising for busy months, 'twice a month doesn't sound so bad really...') - well we shall see!
Last weekend we had a fabulous Blue jack night by the CIUWC to raise money for our scholarships - all three students are so fortunate to be on full scholarships with most of the funds being paid for by Deutsche Bank and Maples and Calder. I met the closest thing I'll have to a country-mate for the first time then, Hailee Robinson. Though she's at UWC USA there hasn't been a Caymanian attending Atlantic College in a few years so Hailee was able to give me some tips and get me pumped! If there are are least a dozen people in my year with such personality and friendliness like Hailee's then I am going to be having a great next two years, hands down.
I leave for England in three weeks and will be at school in four weeks.Spending a week with my grandparents and my dad in Cornwall to adjust to the time difference and pick up certain things that just really aren't available in a Florida mall (wellies, what are you on about? :|) I still have a few things to do before I leave home such as make my poster, iron my name on countless items of clothing and a couple touristy Cayman things that I haven't done in several years but recently have had an urge to do (go to the turtle farm, watch the sunset on the beach...).
Saying bye to friends isn't easy, living on an island where it's been the same group of friends since I was twelve, some for years before that is a crazy thing to think of leaving, even if it's not permanent but I'm a kid...'four months?! what! that's basically a dozen years we're talking here'. You get those moments where time is speeding up too fast - the hourglass is pouring quicksand instead of grains suddenly and there is the fleeting thought of 'was this the right decision?' going through your head... but then of course it is! The friends that matter will always be that for me, no matter if we grow older or move away.
Of course there isn't much more to say than this, the real pounding-of-the-keys will happen when I'm in school.
Love, Abi