Monday, 16 April 2012

Coffee in the Air

The smell of coffee was so pungent as I walked into Morgannwg yesterday after the gym, and I realized it would be a nice blog name… and then I admitted to myself it’s been weeks since I’ve written.
I’m sorry. I won’t be able to catch up on everything that has happened, I just needed a break.
Past Events, that I can think of:
Morgannwg lost Sports Week
Easter Break with my family was lovely
Now Sports Rep of Morgannwg
Will be leading Children’s Charities next year with two of my other lovely Firsties- Tofunmi and Gerwil
Art Exhibition for IB students- one of their IB subjects is DONE

Future Events:
Last week of Codes for the Second Years. Lucky ducks. Though their IB is getting very close..
=pranks on the first years, more to come… this morning I heard the Eastern Europeans were woken up and taken to the cliffs in blindfolds (scary), where they had a breakfast waiting for them (nice). The houseparent’s warn every year to the Second Years not to do anything- but it’s really all just silly things – I think.
First Year Exams… starting on Thursday. Oh boy.
AOC service weekend! Not this weekend, but next. More to come.
Five weeks of this year left. Crazy.

Now back to studying before I sleep blissfully from exhaustion.
Love, Abi