Thursday, 24 January 2013

Peace Conference & other AC tings.


This morning I listened to a lecture by Johan Gatlung. He is a Norwegian professor and author, widely regarded as the ‘father of Pease Studies’. Some of the things he spoke about went over my head, and were most likely a lot more appreciated by the Middle Eastern History class and Peace and Conflict Studies students. However a few things he said I found really interesting so wrote down:

·         They say it is unthinkable, but of course that depends on who is the thinker.’

·         There are three ways to destroy a community: genocide and sociocide. Sociocide being to kill a society: driving the culture into people’s homes.

·         English is not a good language for mediation, it is too clumsy: “Could you possibly consider the proposal….” German is much more elegant.

My first Workshop was called ‘Learning with Grandma’. Valerie Wood-Gaiger (the only one on Facebook as she proudly pointed out) really was a sweet lady, one you just know makes apple pie and smells of lotion. She was elected as the Champion of Inter-Generation Learning. Her main message was to keep the skills of the elder generations alive. To record, to document it all.

 She kept reiterating this point, and it was making me quite upset thinking of the family members who I have missed my opportunity to do that with already. Gabi, who had been sitting on the other side of the classroom discreetly walked over to me with a note ‘Smile, I love you’ It really was so sweet. My zero year asked me the other day if my house became my family: well for you to be feeling something inside, but truly believe it is completely oblivious to others – only a family member would be able to tell.

My second workshop of the day was with Whit Mason. He is also doing the first lecture of tomorrow morning. He started his career as a journalist in Siberia during the collapse of the Soviet Union. He is currently a consultant, working as an advisor on a peace building project in Pakistan and on communication with the Syrian opposition.

Anyways! During the workshop- we worked on structuring a proposal to the UK government on communication teams on a project like Syria. It was replicating the actual event which he did with Syrians to the US government in Istanbul. Our objectives were means, methods, interventions and potential hindrances (obstacles, threats, collateral damage). It was really interesting, but the session was over two hours. For someone who signed down for the session because I wanted to learn more about the conflict, it wasn’t really targeted towards me. The people who had the most ideas were again, the ones who knew the issues extensively.


Other News!

Louis and Jimmy made Pancakes for Open House on Thursday. I think Jimmy bought about 50 eggs... they were yummy though.

INSANITY- 2 weeks in. I don’t feel as sore in the workouts J I’m not really sure if I’m losing any weight (Dad cringes at this moment ‘You don’t HAVE any weight to lose!’), but if the squats are getting easier to do… something is going right.


SUMMER 2013!

I have just booked my flights for travelling in the summer! It was a lot of money to buy all of the tickets, but to be honest- I’m buying memories instead of shoes. Hopefully Mum and Dad will help me out with expenses while I’m in the countries [All those BA points I’m helping you with guys! ;)], but I’m staying with friends everywhere I go which means no sleeping arrangements and minimal amount of food buying…

I’m going to… DRUM ROLL

1. London- Budapest (4 days) – staying with a First Year named Adriano who is Hungarian and Italian. One of the most optimistic people I have met at AC. And calling me ‘AAA’-‘B’  for a term just got to me.
2. Budapest- London- Bangkok (7 days) – Here I will be staying with a girl named Mint. I must admit I’ve never met Mint. She’s my second-year, Hailee in New Mexico’s best friend. However she was very enthusiastic about me coming to visit and I desperately wanted to go. We work well together.

3. Bangkok to Bali- (7 days) - I will be staying with my German co-year named Marvin. His Mum moved to Bali a few years ago as an interior designer.

4. Bali- Singapore- (6 days) (Note: before I leave I need to stop typing ‘Signapore’) Here I will be staying with one of my best friends at AC, Ilisha.

5. Signapore-London-Nice – back to my dear Chloe for 8 more days with her. We may go back to Italy, probably go to St Tropez. It will be wonderful and I am taking her back to Cayman with me <3

 None of this would have been possible if it weren't for UWC <3

Now all I have to do is get through the IB…

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