Saturday, 2 February 2013

Adventure and Butterflies.


Last night was an adventure. A memory. A first.

It started off and seemed like it was going to end like a good, common AC night.
I had a catch up session with Louis, because though we see each other every day we hadn’t actually recounted our holidays and just spoken us two since being back. So that was really nice.

We then got the 9pm bus to Marcross where I go to spend time with Saktish and Chikara and just have a lovely time. We then had Suit Up Sosh in Bradenstoke (because of MUN, more on that soon). All fine. I got back to Morgannwg, took off my shoes and then went downstairs.

Then, Jimmy told me Gabi wasn’t feeling well and I might want to go and check on her. Instinct takes over and I start running up the stairs. All fine. Let me just remind everyone I was blessed with the grace of an antelope. All fine.  Just starting down the corridor, in my socks, I lose my grip and BAM. Hit my chin hard.

To me, it seemed like a little cut which was barely bleeding. Jimmy was not so convinced though. He said it looked quite deep. I showed Chloé (who was actually asleep so now I feel bad about that), and after much cajoling on Jimmy’s part I agreed to go and show the Jon Morten. Who then recommended I go show Synove. Who said it looked exactly what Hennie (her daughter) had done not long ago. So she called Vicky, one of the night porters who agreed I should go to the hospital and get it looked at. I really didn’t want all of the fuss! At this point Chloé came downstairs and convinced Jimmy she would go with me (=best friend) as she wouldn’t be able to sleep until I was back anyways.

So we left the house (before midnight), having to turn off the alarm (so exciting!). As I was leaving I saw Louis and jokingly said “See you Louis, just have to go to the hospital”. He freaked out and ran outside with us, and Jon Morten had to make him come back in because the alarm was going to turn back on in 10 seconds. Such drama!

So off we drove to Port Talbot (Synove recommended this hospital instead of Bridgend because Bridgend you have to wait ages). Chloé was in the front seat chatting away to dear Vicky while I was in the back holding a napkin to my chin. Cute.

After 40 minutes of driving, which 1. Seemed like far too long for me and by this point 2. Quite unnecessary (honestly, in the Drummond family we just Neosporin everything and get on with the day) we got to the hospital. Luckily there was no wait. The doctor looked at it and said it was good I came otherwise I would have had a nasty scar. Phew. She sterilised it, glued it and put two butterfly stitches on. Done in 10 minutes.

Back to AC before 2am. This morning I went to the health centre where I was given saran wrap and tape for my showers for the next 6 days [which is going to be interesting…]. It doesn’t really hurt, only if I smile too much, which I do when I tell the story. Hm.

What an adventure!

I never did get to look after dear Gabs…

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