Sunday, 17 February 2013

Style you Sole, & Prom

Style Your Sole

ChloƩ and Louis run another charity activity at AC like me with Children's Charities. There's is Toms Campus Club. It raises awareness for the Toms charity with cupcake sales etc and there big project is shoe buying [at discount] in February. Granted I was basically forced to buy a pair.
But that’s cool since I really like them.

You are able to paint them with special paints that they bring in to make them unique. This event is called ‘Style Your Sole’. Now, I am a pretty horrific painter. My doodles, well they’re spectacular but please, don’t make me ever do anything more. So my are left blissfully plain.


My fourth and final prom. Each has been memorable in a different way. The dress I wore. The guy I went with. The dozens (hundreds) of pictures. This one has its own unique memories as well.

AC proms are really not as a big a deal as they are back home [which is very Americanised in that way]. So a couple of weeks ago I was sitting in the Quiet Room on one of the computers and Atsuki, the Japanese second year in my house (but we also share E Systems together, and used to have French) says ‘Abi, do you want to go to prom with me’. –‘Sure!’… Simple. However, I didn’t quite meet Atsuki for this big event until about 9:30.

Let me explain.

It started by getting ready with the girls in the dorm. This is possibly one of my favourite things to do as a dorm. We rush around the room, borrowing each other make-up, asking advice, slightly frantic, listening to loud music and laughing more than ‘preparing’. Gabi even took on the task of ordaining me with fake eyelashes. Oh, we went to the extreme.

At 6:20, 30 friends met at Main Gate to go to Cowbridge to celebrate our friend Avrah’s 18th birthday, and mostly because pre-prom can be a bit boring. Shana, always the ‘go big or go home’ girl, managed to get us a 60-seater bus. Crazy. Only £4 there and back though.

We basically rented out the back room of a restaurant called Aboreal, where platters of food were prepared for us for £15 a head. It was all fresh food and super healthy. The pizza, quinoa and chick pea salad, hummus and flat bread… MMM. Chlo and I even had a pretty mojito.

When I got back I ran (in heels) back to Morgannwg so that I could be with my date. He had left a bouquet of roses on my bed! No one had ever gotten me flowers before so I was sooo happy. We walked down to prom in Bradenstoke with Einar and Gabs and danced danced danced. What a lovely time.

I shall let you know how they go… with no time to prepare for them. Egh.


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